Potpourri (6)

This is my one Saturday home, so as usual I’ll do a little reminiscing about some of the ‘random’ things I experienced during life on the road from Ophir to Patrick’s Point State Park. Spotlights This Week: Always: Hope Chapel Missions Charity Spotlight: Desire Street Ministries Church Spotlight: South Sound Foursquare Church – Tumwater, WA As I entered…

Dry Lagoon SP to Patrick’s Point SP

Last day of walking before some at-home time! It was a short day – only 8 miles to walk, and I’m still a couple of miles ahead of schedule. We got an early start – Pastor Gary Dean & his wife Sandra offered to shuttle us back to our car, and we chose 10:30 as…

Elk Meadow Cabins to Dry Lagoon SP

39 Years!!! When I started this trek, I thought Larry & I would be apart for our 39th wedding anniversary – but for reasons totally unrelated to the date, he decided to accompany me this week… bonus! Always: Hope Chapel Missions Charity Spotlight: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Church Spotlight: Crescent City Foursquare Church – Crescent City, CA Church Spotlight: Living Waters…

Prairie Creek Redwoods SP to Elk Meadow Cabins

700 Miles! As I mentioned yesterday, we got a ride to our start point from Donna – so we did get to start at Ah-Pah Trailhead, and a couple of hours earlier than if we had taken the bus! Spotlights This Week: Always: Hope Chapel Missions Charity Spotlight: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Church Spotlight: Crescent City Foursquare Church –…

Klamath to Prairie Creek Redwoods SP

We started the day really late because of the bus schedule. The earliest bus of the day was due to arrive at Ah-Pah Trailhead at about 11;15 a.m.,  and it was running about 15 minutes late, so we weren’t even able to start walking till after noon.  Other than that there was only 1 bus,…

Mill Creek Campground to Klamath

Larry & I walked most of our miles today through beautiful redwood forest – with a brief break from the trees on some nice coastline.  We ended in Klamath, near Trees of Mystery – a popular attraction that we took the kids to once upon a time. It has a trail through some unusual redwood…

Crescent City to Mill Creek Campground

Larry did great today! He hadn’t trained 10 miles before he came up here, but he had no problem with it. We’ll see, however, if rigor mortis sets in overnight… 😀 Spotlights This Week: Always: Hope Chapel Missions Charity Spotlight: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Church Spotlight: Crescent City Foursquare Church – Crescent City, CA Church Spotlight: Living Waters Foursquare Church…

Sunday Update

After returning to Brookings to attend church at Living Waters Foursquare, I said my final goodbyes to Oregon. I’d love to return again someday… After church Larry & I did a car run of our route for next week to figure out exactly where we’re going to stop each day.  It has to be a…

Smith River to Crescent City

It wasn’t a particularly scenic day, but it was interesting.  It was mostly rural to start, then suburban – including a bridge crossing of the Smith River, a herd of friendly cows, a kind-hearted stranger, and prison bars. Then the arrival of my sweetie! Spotlights This Week: Always: Hope Chapel Missions Charity Spotlight: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Church Spotlight: Crescent City…

Brookings to Smith River

CALIFORNIA!!! I made a run for the border today, and I’m now about 6 miles into my home state.  I’m still staying in Brookings, OR but tomorrow night Larry arrives and we’ll move to our host church in Crescent City, CA. I’m looking forward to sharing a week of walking with my sweetie. Spotlights This…