How You Can Help

Be A Sole Mate

I pray daily for all of those individuals and families who will support this mission both physically (volunteering) and those who donate to Hope Chapel Missions and to my other charities – I hope that all is well with you, and I can’t wait to meet you!

There are 6 ways you can be a Sole Mate – descriptions of each are below:
1) Prayer Warrior
2) Donations
3) Overnight Hosting
4) Total Vehicle Support
5) Walking Partner
6) Car Shuttle


Prayer Warriors
The most important part of all! I cherish your prayers – in the planning (which is ongoing throughout the trek) and as I do my walking. See Prayer Needs on this blog.


Need Level: As you are led!
Time Commitment: Minimal 🙂
For the Links & More Info: See My Charities on this blog

First of all, my husband and I are funding the cost of this trek out of our own pocket – NO donations will go to my travel expenses.  If you feel led to donate to fund this trip, I’d like you to prayerfully consider giving that money instead to Hope Chapel Missions or one of my other charities. Also, all donations to my charities will be given directly to them through their own donation pages – I will not be handling ANY money!

I’d like to think that I’m risking blisters, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, isolation from family & friends, financial challenges, traffic hazards and stranger-danger for something more ‘heavenly-minded’ than the earthly joy that comes with accomplishing a rather unique endeavor!

SO… if you kind’a like what I’m doing, please donate to Hope Chapel Missions and/or My Charities. I hold all of these non-profits dear – and I have a personal connection to all of them… but my hope is that no matter which of these charities brought you to this site, you would also feel led to donate a few extra dollars to Hope Chapel Missions. This was the catalyst that finally got this ball rolling! Miraculous things are being done in the name of Our Lord through these faithful servants. You can read about all of them on the My Charities page.

And if you’re still reading after my unabashed ‘money pitch’, here’s the other stuff that will make this thing happen… and they are no less important to the success of this mission!


Overnight Hosting
Need Level: Every night that I’m away from home!
Time Commitment: Dusk till Dawn (I’ll be gone pretty much all day)
To Volunteer: Email me at

If you’re interested in being a host family and you’d like a little more info about our own family’s history as a host family, see my About Me page.

My goal is to be the easiest house guest you’ve ever had! All I’ll absolutely need is:

1) Floor space to put one twin-size air mattress (and perhaps TWO, if I have a family member or friend from my home area traveling with me) – I’ll bring my own bedding.
2) A shower – I’ll provide my own towel and toiletries.
3) (Sometimes) A way to do a little laundry – I’ll provide detergent.
4) A place to charge my computer/phone. (I’ll provide my own computer/phone, lol!)

There is no obligation to feed me – I’ll have food with me and I’m prepared to take care of my own meals.

I’m willing to drive up to an hour from my day’s route to get to your home!

I’ll be away and busy most of the daylight hours – doing my day’s walking, scouting the next day’s route, being a ‘tourist’, re-supplying, etc.  I’ll most likely arrive at your home at around dusk, and leave fairly early each morning, but I’ll adjust based on what is convenient for you.

My husband and I will be absorbing the cost of this trip ourselves, and most of this trek is in popular tourist areas, where even a ‘basic’ motel could cost $100 per night.  I’ll be away from home for more than 170 nights, so do the math – this could be up to $17,000 for lodgings alone! So – any night I don’t spend in a motel will be a tremendous blessing!

“Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.” ~ Matthew 10:11


The following volunteer opportunities will be ‘fluid’, meaning that I will need them in various combinations from day to day – and one need will often depend on the availability of another. For instance, if I have a volunteer for Full Vehicle Support on a day when I’m walking in the middle of nowhere, I would have no need for a Shuttle Vehicle, and I may not need a Walking Partner.  But in the absence of a Full Vehicle Support volunteer on a day that I feel the need for one, I would want to have BOTH a Shuttle Vehicle and a Walking Partner instead!


Full Vehicle Support
Need Level: Primarily in isolated areas
Time Commit
ment: about 4 hours (morning), plus commute time.
To Volunteer: Email me at 

There are some places on my walk that are very isolated, and my family & friends are understandably concerned for me, so I promised them that I won’t be foolhardy.  I’m hoping that people from my home area will be able to join me during some of those more extended isolated walking cycles, but I can’t count on that.  A Full Vehicle Support volunteer would stay near me through the entire day’s walk – about 4 hours (generally morning hours), plus drive time to/from.  You’d drop me off at my car at the end of the walking day, then you’re done – unless you’ll let me buy you lunch! 😉


Walking Partners
Need Level Most needed on days with isolated areas, but welcome anytime!
Time Commitment: Walking 10 miles at a 20-min/mile pace – allow 4 hours, plus commute time.  This can be 1 person walking 10 miles, 10 people walking 1 mile each, or any combination.  Biking alongside me is also fine, if you’d prefer.
To Volunteer: Email me at 

I’ll be seeking ladies, couples, families or groups as walking partners on days where I’m in relatively isolated areas, or if for any other reason I would feel more comfortable not walking alone. This will be especially crucial when I’m out in the middle of nowhere and don’t have a volunteer for Full Vehicle Support. My husband and brother (and perhaps other friends from my home area) may be available for some of the days-on-end stretches of isolation, but I’d love local volunteers for any day where I’ll be walking a mile or more without houses nearby! Keep in mind, though, that a local volunteer should be prepared to return home at night, as my host families are only being asked to house me and (no more than) one ‘out-of-town’ walking partner.


Car Shuttle:
Need Level: Any day I’m walking when I don’t have Total Vehicle Support
Time Commitment: Commute time from your home to either my starting or ending point for the day + 10 miles drive time back to my vehicle

To Volunteer: Email me at 

On any given day I would be happy to have volunteers to provide the second vehicle for a car shuttle to/from my starting/ending points each day.  There are some areas where public transportation is available, and I’m also prepared to use my bike as a backup on days where I don’t have a shuttle volunteer – either by walking it with me or stashing it at my end point then riding it back to my car. However, any day that I can either get picked up at the end of the day or dropped off at the beginning of the day would be most welcome!

A dropoff will generally be in the 7:00 or 8:00 hour, and a pickup will generally be late morning or very early afternoon – I can be flexible!

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